We provide professional certification, technical and Microsoft Office Suite training to enhance
the workforce. We utilize case studies and gamification techniques to ensure our students learn
effectively and are able to express their skills on the job. With over 60 years of combined
experience in this field, our trainers understand there is a dearth of experienced workforce and
know the skills needed to succeed on the job. We empower our students to succeed.

Professional Certification Training
We understand the need for a professional certification and how it enables students attain the
next level in their careers.

Technical Training
Our trainers are industry experts in the field of IT & Cybersecurity with over 60 years of combined experience.

Microsoft Office Suite Training
We understand the need to succeed in the workplace and how an understanding of the right tools equips

Pearson Vue Testing Center
We are an approved PearsonVue Testing Center and provide the facility for you to take the
certification exams.